About me

My story

Hello! I’m James, a seasoned Silicon Valley insider and neurofeedback expert committed to guiding you to peak performance. With 29 years immersed in computer security and 17 years at the heart of Silicon Valley, my deep-rooted experience in high-stakes environments fuels my passion for neurotechnology.

My journey into neurotherapy began out of necessity. In 2016, amidst leading a high-octane product team and competing in amateur bodybuilding, I faced a significant health crisis - my cognitive functions were dwindling and fatigue was overtaking me. This was a turning point that led me to neurofeedback and neuromodulation, transforming my life and showing me the untapped potential of the brain.

Becoming a coach

Today, equipped with advanced neurotechnology and nearing completion of my QEEG-T certification, my mission is laser-focused: to unlock your brain’s full capability. I specialize in identifying and recalibrating the mental patterns that limit you, enhancing your ability to enter flow states, manage stress, and optimize cognitive performance. This isn’t about temporary fixes but about revolutionizing your mental framework, making you unstoppable in your personal and professional life.

I understand the unique pressures of Silicon Valley - not just because I work here, but because I’ve lived them. My approach is direct and results-oriented, grounded in cutting-edge science and my own transformation. If you’re ready to shatter barriers and elevate your life, I’m here to tailor a neurotherapy plan just for you. Together, we’ll unlock the extraordinary potential you hold within.

Trust in the journey - I’ve walked this path, and I know its power. Let’s embark on this transformative adventure together.

Mentors and advisors

James consults with industry leading professionals on an going basis for mentorship and assistance developing brain training programs.
Dr. Tiff Thompson

PhD, MFT, BCN, QEEG-D, R-EEG-T, CEO NeuroField Neurotherapy

Dr. Nicholas J. Dogris

Ph.D., BCN, QEEG-D, CEO & Co-Founder, NeuroField, Inc.

Dr. Michael Pierce


Book a free consultation to learn more

Book a free consultation now to discover how our cutting-edge services can help you break free from limiting patterns, unleash your true potential, and become your best self.
Bay Area Peak Performance
Mon – Fri
8 AM – 6 PM
By appointment
Bay Area Peak Performance
Mon – Fri
8 AM – 6 PM
By appointment